Links and Resources
Sterling Pacific Financial has affiliate companies in commercial finance and real estate investing:
- Mountain Pacific Leasing (commercial finance, factoring, leasing)
Sterling Pacific is a member of the following industry organizations:
- California Mortgage Association (CMA)
- American Association of Private Lenders (AAPL)
Need self-directed IRA help? Contact one of the following experienced self-directed IRA custodians:
- IRA Services Trust Company
- PENSCO Trust
- Polycomp
- Entrust
- Sunwest Trust
- Provident Trust Group
- Trust Company of America
- Equity Institutional(formerly known as Sterling Trust Company)
- Preferred Trust Company
Looking for a financial adviser or planner? The following industry groups may be helpful:
- National Association of Personal Financial Advisors (NAPFA)
- Financial Planning Association (FPA)
For regulatory information from the agencies that license trust deed activities in California, visit:
- California Bureau of Real Estate
- Department of Business Oversight